In my book Deadball, A Metaphysical Baseball Novel, one of the many baseball-related places Byron Bennett visits is Newcomerstown, Ohio, the adopted home town of Cy Young (Young actually lived with his friends the Bendum’s in nearby Peoli, Ohio). The Temperance Tavern Museum, located in Newcomerstown, boasts an impressive collection of Cy Young souvenirs and memorabilia.

The Temperance Tavern Museum, Newcomerstown, Ohio
First and foremost is Young’s complete 1908 Boston Red Sox uniform. The uniform was donated to the museum by a woman who lived in Newcomerstown. Her father was one of Young’s closest friends. The woman discovered the uniform in one of her father’s trunks years after her father died.

Cy Young's 1908 Red Sox Uniform
The glass display case that lines the right side of the Cy Young room includes numerous mementos from Young’s baseball career, as well as artifacts from his life in Peoli after retirement.

Cy Young Display Case, Temperance Tavern Museum
Perhaps most impressive of the post-baseball items is Young’s rocking chair. According to local legend, in his later years, Young could often be found sitting in that chair on the front porch of the house where he lived.

Cy Young's Rocking Chair
The museum’s display includes the last hat and shoes Young ever wore. The grey fedora and black high button shoes are sandwiched between a Boston Redsox penant and a replica of Young’s Hall of Fame plaque.

Cy Young's Last Hat and Shoes
Newcomerstown also has a little league field named in Young’s honor. The house where he lived still stands (barely) in Peoli (see Cy Young Home). The cemetery where he is buried is less than a mile from his former home.