In my book Deadball, A Metaphysical Baseball Novel, one of the many baseball-related places Byron Bennett visits is Newcomerstown, Ohio, the adopted home town of Cy Young (Young actually lived with his friends the Bendum’s in nearby Peoli, Ohio). The Temperance Tavern Museum, located in Newcomerstown, boasts an impressive collection of Cy Young souvenirs and memorabilia.
First and foremost is Young’s complete 1908 Boston Red Sox uniform. The uniform was donated to the museum by a woman who lived in Newcomerstown. Her father was one of Young’s closest friends. The woman discovered the uniform in one of her father’s trunks years after her father died.
The glass display case that lines the right side of the Cy Young room includes numerous mementos from Young’s baseball career, as well as artifacts from his life in Peoli after retirement.
Perhaps most impressive of the post-baseball items is Young’s rocking chair. According to local legend, in his later years, Young could often be found sitting in that chair on the front porch of the house where he lived.
The museum’s display includes the last hat and shoes Young ever wore. The grey fedora and black high button shoes are sandwiched between a Boston Redsox penant and a replica of Young’s Hall of Fame plaque.
Newcomerstown also has a little league field named in Young’s honor. The house where he lived still stands (barely) in Peoli (see Cy Young Home). The cemetery where he is buried is less than a mile from his former home.
I am proud to possess a Colonial flag Co. Coshocton, OH
flag marked “Three Rivers” 3′ x 3′ 100% cotton Cy Young
Newcomerstown, Ohio Ohio’s Baseball Museum autographed
by Walt Alston Edd J. Rousch Earl Averill Early Wynn Red Ruffing Al Lopez Joe Sewell Waite C. Hoyt Bill Veck Frank Robinson Satchel Paige Stanly Coveleskie and Bob Feller.
Hello Danny
What a great souvenir. You should be proud. What is the back story? How did you come to possess the flag. Any idea how old it is?
I hope you will consider sending me a jpg of the flag so I can post it on the site. If so, just let me know and I will contact you via email.
Thanks for letting me know!
I have a signed Cy young postcard just like the one in the glass case. the black and white one with the memorial plaque.
This was given to me when I was 11 by John Marstrell.
I went to dinner with my father and Mr. Marstrell, my father was his attorney.
He asked me if I liked Baseball and 3 days later my father came home with this post card
the strange thing is it looks like Cy Young signed it twice right over top each other like it was too faint of the pen malfunctioned.
John wrote on the back
“Hello John
Find enclosed autographed card signed by the late Cy Young.
Nice knowing you
Keep up the good work
Kindest regards
Your friend
John L Marstrell
First president of the Old Timers Baseball Association.”
I looked Mr. Marstrell up
in 1996 he was the last living person to bat against Cy Young, and he was a pall bearer at Cy Young’s funeral.
How would I go about authenticating the Autograph?
Any idea I’m at a loss?…
John Lehigh
Baseball fan
Hello John
Thank you for your post! I’ve looked but can’t find the postcard you reference. Which picture on the website is it in? I’m guessing you might be talking about a Cy Young Hall of Fame plaque post card. If so, here is one that sold for over $1,000: JSA is one company that authenticates such things.
Sounds like what you have is quite special, especially considering its province from John L. Marstrell. If you are able, I certainly would appreciate seeing a scan of the card and the letter. I would post them on the website, if that would be okay with you. I hope to hear from you again.
I was talking to my father . He also use to hang out with John and Cy Young they all belonged to the Urichsville Elks Club. My father couldn’t believe that an autograph from Cy would be worth so much. He said he was always sighing things for people.
the problem with this signature is he signed it twice right over the top of each other , you can tell it wasn’t traced but the pen might have gave out or he signed over his old signature cause it faded. I don’t know .. but if you have an E mail address I will send you some pictures as attachments. My best friend is a professional Photographer and I had him shot some pictures of both sides. there is no letter the Marstrell writing is on the back of it .. and you nailed it .. it is exactly what your link shows.
John Lehigh
check out my face book page I just posted the photos
i made it public
can you delete my fathers phone number please I forget this isn’t email but public. Thank you
John Lehigh
All set. I will give him a call. Sorry about posting it on line.
You should definitely submit the HOF card for authentication. I’m no expert, but it looks real to me and it appears, as you said, that perhaps Mr,. Young had a problem with the pen and had to start over. A company that authenticates such thing should know. The additional information on the back helps lend it authentication as well.
Like Danny and John< I to have several mementos of Cy Young like 1909 T206 and T205 Cigarette Cy Young Baseball Cards (originals not reprints) and a 3" X 5" Index Card hand signed and dated 9/8/1929 in Peoli, Ohio by Cy Young with all the listed teams and stats written on the back in blue/black fountain pen of the time. The signature has been certified in writing by a firm in New York. My wife is the daughter of the longtime Newcomerstown Optometrist Dr. J.H. Waelde who passed away in 2003. I have been collecting baseball cards since 1955 and I'm trying to complete my collection of the first ten Hall of Fame Inductees. I only need a couple more Tris Speaker and Christy Matthewson and I'm done. I have a signed autograph of Ty Cobb coming and working on a Honus Wagner autograph. To me these 3 ballplayers helped make Baseball the American Pasttime Game that it is today.
Hi David,
I’m trying to track down a photo or two of the Cy Young Exhibit for inclusion in a book I’m working on. If you’d be willing to help me out, please shoot me an email. Many thanks!
I would be glad to help. Please contact me at [email protected]
This may be out of the ordinary,but did Cy Young ever play golf? If so I have four very old clubs manufactured in the early thirties. The woods,which are Wilson have solid wood heads. the two irons are Spalding Kro-Flite.These clubs have leather wrapped grips which have Cy Youg imprinted into them.I have had them for many years. (I’m now 82 years old),And I can remember when the golfers at the country club I caddied at even had their golf balls imprinted with their I know they also had them on the clubs. Sincerely Yours,Ken Gohs
I actually made a mistake in the spelling on the clubs grips.This should have been Cy Young. Thanks for allowing me to post this. Ken
I met Cy Young in July 21, 1955. I was 18 years old. The occasion was at a banquet in Cooperstown, NY at the Owego Hotel. The banquet was held for the HOF members who came to be at the induction ceremony the next day. I was there because I was to receive my scroll attesting me as the 1954 American Legion Player of the Year. I stay at this hotel with many of the old iie greats such as Ty Cobb, Joe DiMaggio, Frank ‘home run’ Baker (pre-Babe Ruth era), and many other such as Mel Ott, etc. I may have been one of the last to get Mr. Young’s autograph. As you may know he died in Nov. 1955 three months after his visit to Cooperstown.
I own Cy Young’s walking stick. It was purchased from his adopted family. Includes a photo of Cy Young using it at the Peoli Post Office in March 1955. Anyone interested in acquiring it?
I have recently acquired a beautiful antique ivory handled presentation walking stick. It is topped with a silver mounting engraved with ” BOSTON REDSOX PRESENTED TO CY YOUNG WORLD SERIES 1903″ There is a small oval medallion framed by an ornate carved surround with the hand painted initials CY mounted on the front of the handle. The rose wood shaft is tipped with a bone ferrule. This is a fine quality stick. I’d like to have more authentication but the only provenance I have is the words on the stick. Does anyone know of such a presentation? I can provide photos.